Oh the humanity! It’s a yarn bomb!

Last Saturday was the first annual International Yarn Bombing Day (IYBD). For those of you who don’t know, yarn bombing involves knitters and crocheters using their creations to brighten up the urban landscape. Here are some amazing examples of extreme yarn bombs


Phonebox by Knit the City

Knitta Please aka Magda Sayeg
Carol Hummel Tree Cosy and more

Its something that’s been around for some time but this year was the first official worldwide event. International Yarn Bombing Day was created by Joann Matvichuk from Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada.


Here are some local examples posted on Ravelry (fibre arts social networking site) by Krafty Kath.
Please visit her blog here Kaths Kreations

Can you tell where it is?

Arent they fantastic? How appropriate for the setting too!
What are you doing for next years IYBD?

Join the fun!